Do you own or manage a creative or innovative start-up/scale-up or SME, and are you considering opportunities abroad? Meet your potential business partners and support organizations for the Far East – during an intensive afternoon seminar.
Taiwan Business Day 2017 is organised together with EBU. The main objective of #TBD17 is for you to meet Taiwanese organizations, entrepreneurs and support organisations and learn how Taiwan can become crucial for your success. The program includes a seminar to help you understand the Taiwanese opportunities and help you with your business expansion strategy. Taiwan Business Day ends with a networking event to expand your international business network.
12:30 Welcoming drinks & registration
13:00 Opening & Welcome + Visiting Demos by Dutch and Taiwanese companies
13:05 Seminar ‘Understanding global opportunities between Netherlands and Taiwan’
- Doing business with Taiwan by Michael Hsiao (Taiwan Trade Center Rotterdam Director)
- ‘How to get a feel for opportunities in Taiwan’ by Baerte de Brey (ElaadNL/Stedin)
- Design and the Real Value of Products by Annemarie van Hoof (4-Options Studio)
- Business angels investing in a cross border perspective challenges and potential for Asian and EU cooperation by Tonnie Coenen (Business Angels Europe)
- Presentation European Taiwan Chamber of Commerce ( ETCC), Taiwanese Business Association in the Netherlands (TBA)
- Presentation Taiwanese company successful in Netherlands
- Presentation Dutch Scale-Up with Asia ambition
- Q&A on ‘How to use Taiwan to globally expand’
15:00 Tea Break + Visiting Demos by Dutch and Taiwanese companies
15:20 Seminar ‘Profit from bridging the strengths of regions’
- Financing of start ups and Cultural aspects of doing business in the Netherlands, by Pieter Leyssius, Director Companies, Rabobank Utrecht
- Social Innovation in Elderly Care, QOCA pilot Utrecht – Philippe Verstuyft (QOCA pilot team)
- Citizens Innovation & Community building; Taiwanese QOCA-pilot in Utrecht Oost, by Anja van der Aa (GezondNL)
- Utrecht Softlanding program for innovative solutions to support independent living, by Jelle van der Weijde MMI, Domain Manager Health, Economic Board Utrecht (EBU)
- Taiwan: The best innovation and strategy partner for EU, by Mr. Tom Chou, TRON Representative
- Taiwan and Utrecht: reflections on a growing relationship, by Utrecht vice mayor Mr. Jeroen Kreijkamp
- Presentation of practical services on offer for Dutch SME’s
16:10 MOU Ceremony: TBA, ETCC Soft-landing support
16:30 Taiwan Explorer Award ceremony, sponsored by China Airlines and EVA Air (see requirements to participate)
16:50 Closing remarks and start networking + Visiting Demos by Dutch and Taiwanese companies
18:30 Taiwan Business Dinner – separate registration at € 35,00 p.p. at Eventbrite
moderator: Pim de Bokx (TGN Chairman)
PARTNERS: We thank the following organizations for their support:
- EBU – Economic Board Utrecht
- Taiwan Business Association in the Netherlands
- TAITRA – Taiwan Trade Center, Rotterdam
- TRIPLE – Taiwan Rapid Innovation Prototyping League for Entrepreneurs
- TITAN – Taiwan Innovation & Technology Arena
- Taiwan Startup Accelerator
- TA – Taiwan Accelerator
- 【Garage+】Startup Global Program 2017@Taiwan
- TI – Taiwan Incubator
- CBIA – Chinese Business Incubation Association
- Chaoyang Innovation Incubation Center
- KUAS – The Innovation & Incubation Centre of National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
- Incubation Alliance, I.A.
- KS Institute of International Entrepreneur