Crossroads 2020:
Best Practice in Soft-landing programs
between Taiwan and The Netherlands
Wednesday 18 November 2020, 9:00-10:30 CET (Webinar)
Please do register by 17 November 2020 –>>register here <<
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If you are in Taiwan, you are invited to join this event onsite at Startup Terrace, Linkou, Taiwan! Please read more here!
We are proud of part of the Crossroads 2020, initiated by Startup Utrecht, which aims to support MEET UP > SPEED UP > SCALE UP! Sharing information and experiences is crucial for scaling up. Collaborating helps you to be successful. Meeting each other is the key to find the right people for all of that. And while you are on your way, where do you meet the people that are also travelling towards success? Exactly: you meet them at crossroads.
International and regional collaboration is the best route for success. To bridge the gap between different ecosystems and to drive growth, Taiwan Globalization Network-TGN organizes this workshop. Learn how Hub2Hub can help you launch in both Asia and Europe, through co-innovation and co-acceleration.
Internationalization is the key success factor for economic growth. Bridging the gap between different ecosystems helps to lower thresholds and drive growth. In this session, we share experiences and take a closer look at the experiences that the Hub2Hub soft-landing collaboration structure provides. The Hub2Hub is an established collaboration between Startup Terrace, Linkou, Taiwan, and Utrecht Region, The Netherlands, as the hubs to the Asian and European markets, respectively.
More regional hubs are invited to share their thoughts and to join to expand this valuable Hub2Hub network. Entrepreneurs are welcome to network with participating hubs and to inspire the hubs with concrete means to strengthen their soft landing programmes.
9:00- 10:00 Presentation on ‘Best Practice Soft-landing programs between Taiwan and the Netherlands‘
Moderator: Valerie Hsu, TGN, Tiger Accelerator
‣ Opening remarks, Heerd Jan Hoogeveen, Director (Startup Utrecht)
‣ Group Photo Moment: All participants
‣ Taiwan Startup Ecosystem Map, focusing on TAcc+ & Startup Terrace, Linkou –David JP Wang, Economic Division Director (Taipei Representative Office (TRO) (on behalf of SMEA, MOEA))
‣ Easy business expansion with Taiwan Startup Terrace -Linkou Soft-landing program –Mila Chung, Project Manager (Startup Terrace)
‣ How the Utrecht region is implementing the Hub 2 Hub connection, together with Brainport focusing on key enabling technologies? –Jelle van der Weijde, Domain Director Health (Economic Board Utrecht)
‣ The Hub 2 Hub connecting Startup Terrace Linkou in Taiwan and the Utrecht Region in The Netherlands to accelerate the internationalization of innovative startups? –Steve Huang: Project leader, The Hub2Hub Project (Tiger Accelerator)
‣ Innovex connecting to Taiwan innovation ecosystem –Patty Yen, Director (TAITRA, Taiwan Trade Center Rotterdam)
‣ Regional Accelerator Program for Innovation & Development (RAPID) and TBA Innovation Committee –Gordon Chen, General Manager (Megabank Amsterdam Branch)
10:00-10:30 Panel discussion: to identify the best collaboration between ecosystems through the hubs between Taiwan and The Netherlands by all speakers
Panel Moderator: Heerd Jan Hoogeveen, Director, Startup Utrecht
10:30 Closing remarks by Olga Lin (TBA) and Jelle van der Weijde (EBU)
10:31 End program
Tiger Accelerator (Taiwan, The Netherlands)
ROM Utrecht Region (The Netherlands)
Economic Board Utrecht (EBU) (The Netherlands)
Taiwan Business Association (TBA) (The Netherlands)
Taiwan Globalization Network-TGN (The Netherlands)